Narrative :
The European Commission, within the programme HORIZON, awarded a grant to the project WE-ACT for the next 4 years. WE-ACT is carried out by an intrnational consortium comprising 11 partners coordinated by the Technische Universitaet Muenchen. HAEDES is part of the consortium and is leader of work package 5.
The European Commission within the programme HORIZON awarded a grant to the project WE-ACT for the next 4 years. WE-ACT is carried out by a consortium of 11 partners coordinated by the Technische Universitaet Muenchen. HAEDES is part of the consortium and is work package leader.
WE-ACT proposes to establish a climate sensitive Decision Support System for water allocation in two sub-catchments of a transboundary river basin in Central Asia, namely the Naryn and Kara Darya catchments of the Syr Darya river basin (covering parts of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan)
Based on an innovative water information system that captures a thorough understanding of water availability, demand, footprint and allocation in a glacier-fed river basin, WE-ACT will enable water managers to interact with an accessible and intuitive DSS to alleviate water stress for communities, the economy and the environment on the short- and long-term. WE-ACT will enable them to adapt the allocation of water resources to the known and expected effects of climate change, while encouraging the improvement of policies to correctly set water tariffs, reduce water footprints and increase water use efficiency in agriculture and energy sectors.
Our touch :
- As Lead of WP5 our technical work will focus on Prototyping, piloting and demonstrating a Decision Support System for water allocation
- Support end-user mapping
- Scoping management needs and alternatives
- Design, implement and test a state of the art cloud based DSS
- Deploy and validate the DSS for end users based on interactive demonstrations