LIFE SeaGrassRIAwild 

Narrative :

The LIFE SeaGrassRIAwild project aims at taking decisive steps to reverse the current conservation status of  Zostera marina habitat in Ria de Aveiro (Portugal) through the co-development of cost-efficient and policy relevant NBS (Nature-Based Solutions). Subtidal seagrass beds are critically endangered at the European Atlantic Coast, and in urgent need of restoration, as stated in the forthcoming EU Nature Restoration Law. Z. marina is presently the most endangered seagrass species in Portugal, facing extinction if measures are not taken to assure the protection of the last remaining populations.

In Ria de Aveiro, its presence was not recorded for 10 years, but recently resurged in small intertidal patches, making this the momentum for active restoration measures implementation. 

LIFE SeagrassRIAwild proposes a paradigm shift in seagrass restoration, enabling large-scale restoration programs with negligible effects on existing natural meadows, through the development of seagrass mariculture to support the plant and seed needs for rewilding. It follows a transdisciplinary approach involving academia, authorities, management agencies, local administration, end-user associations and citizens in the co-design, prioritization and implementation of restoration actions, at a large scale and using targeted and adaptable Citizen Science initiatives and synergies with other national and EU initiatives. 

LIFE SeagrassRIAwild will further explore innovative NBS to potentiate synergistic effects of seagrass conservation efforts and system management needs which, if proven effective, have the potential to become an innovative management service/product for port authorities, private marinas and management agencies.

These NBS will potentiate the sustainability of the project, supported by tailor-made capacity building actions and the infrastructure legacy, which will perdure in time and be made available for national restoration programmes, with the supervision of the national competent authorities.

Our touch :

  • Development of numerical model Delft 3D to simulate sediment bottom dynamics in order to assess the effect of vegetation on sediment stabilization. This assessment will contribute to maximizing the success of the Nature-Based Solution (NBS) and optimize maintenance dredging works.
  • Deployment of a NBS based on seagrass green infrastructures for channel navigability. The deployment will be performed over 100 m, along the borders of a navigation channel and over a width of approximately 10 m, leading to patches of 1000 m2 on each channel border. The implementation of the seagrass vegetation will encompass the testing of several methodologies, mainly focused on auxiliary substrate fixation structures, considering different biodegradable materials.
  • Evaluation of the effect of the NBS on sedimentary processes through monitoring of bed evolution and by comparison of a reference survey (before the implementation of the NBS) and post-NBS implementation surveys.
  • Estimation of the cost-benefit relationship comparing to traditional dredging operations. This estimation will be based on the record of previous interventions comparing to the bathymetric evolution after the NBS implementation.