Ports & river logistics
As Port development and integration into larger logistics chains are becoming increasingly relevant due to economic and sustainability goals, many ports are challenged by a number of physical (marine and inland) and socioeconomic constraints. In addition to their fundamental natural value, rivers support socioeconomic activities and transportation, benefiting from integrated solutions and management. Such environments need multidisciplinary approaches and long-term planning. We offer science and nature-based solutions in the context of ports and river logistics and are able to bring ecosystem services into the decision-making.

For this market we deliver the following specific services

System development and design
Numerical modelling & Data Science
Holistic engineering
Coordination & management
- Nature based solutions & biomimicry
- Channel Siltation
- Set-up and follow-up of physical model studies
- Regenerative use of dredging materials
- Ports & rivers management plans
- Nautica & navigability
- System thinking & marine spatial planning
- Ecosystem services assessment
- Water, energy & food security nexus
- Environmental impact assessment
- River, estuarine, coastal and marine zones
- Hydrology & hydrogeology
- Hydrodynamics of currents & waves
- Ship induced waves & Ship manoeuvrability
- Sediment transport, sediment plumes
- Morphology & morpho dynamics, including seabed & dune dynamics
- Water availability and allocation
- Fluid-structure interaction
- Anchoring and mooring analysis
- Joint probabilities & statistics
- Scour & riverbank protection
- Dredging engineering
- Preliminary & basic design, FEED, …
- Technical specifications
- Design & lay-out of navigation channels
- Port lay-out and terminal design
- Breakwater & Revetment stability
- Owner’s Engineer
- Scour & riverbank protection
- Dredging engineering
- Preliminary & basic design, FEED, …
- Technical specifications
- Design & lay-out of navigation channels
- Port lay-out and terminal design
- Breakwater & Revetment stability
- Owner’s Engineer