Numerical modelling & Data Science
HAEDES has the in-house capacity to ingeniously define, design, and create new software, tools and programs to answer your needs. We think and connect differently, tailoring solutions for personalized needs. We are software-independent and apply the most appropriate state-of-the-art models to meet your needs. From water flows over waves, currents and sediment transports: we manage it all.

For this service we deliver the following specific markets

Climate resilience & sustainable water systems
Ocean & offshore renewable energy
Ports & river logistics
Blue growth
- River, estuarine, coastal and marine zones
- Hydrology & hydrogeology
- Hydrodynamics of currents & waves
- Flood and drought (operational) forecasting & warning system
- Water quality monitoring and modelling
- Water availability and allocation
- Water-structure interaction (CFD)
- ICT & Artificial Intelligence solutions for water problems.
- Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment
- Sediment transport and morphology
- Hydrodynamics of currents & waves
- Offshore geotechnics & geology
- Sediment transport
- Seabed morphodynamics
- Scouring and interaction with structures
- Wave-structure interaction: Jacket, Monopile, Tripod, Tripile, Gravity based foundation & all floating structures (CFD)
- Coupled FEM-CFD
- Mooring analysis
- Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning based models
- Probabilistic weather downtime analysis
- Extreme value analysis & statistics
- River, estuarine, coastal and marine zones
- Hydrology & hydrogeology
- Hydrodynamics of currents & waves
- Ship induced waves & Ship manoeuvrability
- Sediment transport, sediment plumes
- Morphology & morpho dynamics, including seabed & dune dynamics
- Water availability and allocation
- Fluid-structure interaction
- Anchoring and mooring analysis
- Joint probabilities & statistics
- Sediment transport and morphology
- Hydrodynamics of currents & waves
- Coupled FEM-CFD
- Wave-structure interaction (CFD)
- Sensor integration & SMART monitoring
- Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning based models
- Met-Ocean conditions
- Ecosystem services valuing
- Water quality monitoring and modelling
- Anomaly detection, fault classification
- Remaining Useful Life