System development
& design
At HAEDES we think and act systematically, considering nature a silent stakeholder. We enrich the classical approaches, by thinking out-of-the-box and connecting to the whole. HAEDES provides services that foster the balance between nature and artificial endeavors, developing and designing new ways to live and experience systems. By exploring the strengths and opportunities of Regenerative Development and Design we bring in an additional layer of wisdom resulting in sustainable solutions.

For this service we deliver the following specific markets

Climate resilience & sustainable water systems
Ocean & offshore renewable energy
Ports & river logistics
Blue growth
- Nature based solutions & biomimicry
- Urban green blue concepts
- Coastal resilience concept
- Ecosystem services assessment
- Multi-hazard risk resilience
- Circular water management
- Climate change resilience
- System & design thinking
- Water, energy & food security nexus
- Follow-up of physical model studies
- Regenerative use of dredging materials
- Sea level rise & tsunami analysis
- Environmental impact assessment
- Nature based solutions & biomimicry
- Multi – use & Marine spatial planning
- Ecological innovation
- System & design thinking
- Ecosystem services assessment
- Blue carbon sequestration
- Keystone species attraction
- Water, energy & food security nexus
- Follow-up of physical model studies
- Met-ocean design criteria
- Environmental impact assessment
- Nature based solutions & biomimicry
- Channel Siltation
- Set-up and follow-up of physical model studies
- Regenerative use of dredging materials
- Ports & rivers management plans
- Nautica & navigability
- System thinking & marine spatial planning
- Ecosystem services assessment
- Water, energy & food security nexus
- Environmental impact assessment
- Nature based solutions & biomimicry
- Ecosystem mapping
- Biodiversity impact
- Regenerative Design for life
- Multi-use of space at sea
- Ecosystem services assessment
- Blue carbon sequestration
- Keystone species attraction
- Water, energy & food security nexus
- Set-up and follow-up of physical model studies
- MetOcean, geological & bio-environment
- Environmental impact assessment