Analysis of sediment transport in Ebro Delta channels to optimise the irrigation network efficiency in diverting sediment to vulnerable areas.

Narrative :

The Ebro Delta is one of the most valuable delta systems in the Mediterranean, where a Ramsar protected wetland coexists with an extensive rice production area supported by a complex network of irrigation canals. In recent decades, the sediment supply to the delta has decreased significantly due to sediment trapping in the upstream reservoirs of the Ebro River. This sediment deficit, combined with natural subsidence and accelerated coastal erosion driven by climate change, poses a serious threat to the Delta’s land availability and ecological integrity.

Building on innovative solutions to release trapped sediment from reservoirs, this project aims to analyze the sediment transport capacity of irrigation canals. The ultimate objective is to analyze sediment dynamics within the irrigation network to optimize sediment transport toward areas most vulnerable to subsidence and coastal erosion while minimizing deposition within the canals.

In collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, a hydraulic and sediment transport model of the irrigation canal network is being developed. The model will be calibrated through field experiments, such as sediment injection tests, to assess the transport capacity within the canals.

Our touch :

Numerical modelling: a coupled 1D hydraulic and sediment transport model is being developed to simulate the Delta’s tree-shaped irrigation network, accounting for its diverse section geometries.

  • Field experiments are conducted to calibrate and validate hydraulic and sediment transport parameters of the numerical model.
  • Project coordination to ensure collaboration between the client, subcontractors and stakeholders involved.
  • Engagement with irrigation farmers in the Delta facilitates awareness of the project’s benefits and supports the practical application of its results.
  • Decision support tool: an easy-to-use modelling tool will be provided to irrigators and key stakeholders to improve canal irrigation management and reduce sediment-related maintenance costs.