Narrative :
This assignment concerns the content, organisational and process support for the platforms of the Co-ordination Commission for Integrated Water Policy (CIW) of the Flemish government. Since 2004, the Coördinatiecommissie Integraal Waterbeleid (CIW) has been responsible for official consultations, coordination between the different actors of the water policy at the level of the Flemish Region. As the competent authority in Flanders for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive, the CIW also plays an important role in the planning and implementation of water policy at river basin level. The CIW is therefore the central pivot of the integrated water policy in the Flemish Region. The VMM/CIW decided earlier to develop a platform for 4 themes: (1) Communication Water savings and Drought; (2) Research, development and innovation on water; (3) Digital Water; (4) Circular Water. This, content wise very integrated and broad assignment includes the general support of the expansion of the platform operation of the CIW.
Our touch:
Content support of all 4 platforms
- Assistance in the process and organisational support of all 4 platforms
- Assistance in the communication and negotiation of all relevant water cycle and water management stakeholders at the level of the different projects within the different platforms
- Exchange with other relevant fora such as the Blue Deal, etc
- Coordination and dissemination of results