Narrative :
The aim of this consultancy is to assist the Client in the coordination of the different tasks within the FEED study of an access channel deepening and maintenance project. The service included channel design activities as well as design verification and assessment according to international standards and guidelines.
The scope of the present assignment is the coordination and partly execution of all relevant tasks from the start of the FEED study until the final realization of the FEED study.
Our touch :
- Definition and scoping of the different engineering tasks related to access channel design, dredging activities and supporting studies ;
- Definition, scoping and writing of the different documents ;
- Coordination of all relevant internal (within the different departments of the client) and external stakeholders (local stakeholders, subcontractors, relevant governmental bodies) ;
- Coordination of the geological, geomorphological study and study on dredging feasibility ;
- Coordination of the study on hydrology and hydraulics ;
- Scoping and coordination of the numerical modelling : current model, wave model, sediment transport model, plume modelling, ship wave propagation model, coastal erosion model ;
- Scoping and coordination of the Environmental Impact Study, including base line determination, field work, impact assessment, monitoring plan, beneficial re-use of dredged sediment;
- Coordination of the Social Impact Study
- Design of the access channel based on economic needs, according to the relevant international guidelines, including ship manoeuvring simulation;
- Coordination of the Navigation Safety Study, including channel capacity modelling;
- Coordination of the coastal erosion risk assessment due to natural conditions and potential impact of the project, including suggestion of sustainable solutions.