Narrative :
This project is carried out in support of our partner Primo Marine.
The 75km2 size Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) area “Parc Eoliennes en Mer de Dunkerque” will be located some 10-15km offshore Dunkirk (France), on the France-Belgium border. This development (up to 600MW) is scheduled to consist of approximately 60-70 Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs). The in-field connections from the WTGs to the Offshore Substation (OSS) will be through 66kV intra-array cables. The landfall area will be in a 600m-wide coastal zone that is owned by the Port of Dunkirk authorities. The landfall construction methodology is yet to be defined. Currently two methodologies are under investigation, i.e., an open trench construction or horizontal directional drilling (HDD). The transition joint pits (TJP) are where the two export cables will be connected to the two 5km-long underground land cables that run to the onshore substation (OSS) where grid connection will take place.
Our touch :
Content support of all 4 platforms
- System view: providing senior technical advice for a complex engineering problem related to the landfall of an offshore array cable.