Ocean & offshore renewable energy
Renewable ocean & offshore energy are part of the energy transition. HAEDES expertise and services relate to the subjects of cables & interconnectors, offshore floating solar energy, wave energy, tidal energy and offshore wind energy in Europe and abroad. We focus on water dynamics below surface , structure & water interface, and structure & soil interface. We offer nature-based solutions for multi-use. We think and act systematically.
For this market we deliver the following specific services
- System development and design
- Numerical modelling & Data Science
- Holistic engineering
- Coordination & management
- Nature based solutions & biomimicry
- Multi – use & Marine spatial planning
- Ecological innovation
- System & design thinking
- Ecosystem services assessment
- Blue carbon sequestration
- Keystone species attraction
- Water, energy & food security nexus
- Follow-up of physical model studies
- Met-ocean design criteria
- Environmental impact assessmen
- Sediment transport and morphology
- Hydrodynamics of currents & waves
- Offshore geotechnics & geology
- Seabed morphodynamics
- Scouring and interaction with structures
- Wave-structure interaction: Jacket, Monopile, Tripod, Tripile, Gravity based foundation & all floating structures (CFD)
- Coupled FEM-CFD
- Mooring analysis
- Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning based models
- Probabilistic weather downtime analysis
- Extreme value analysis & statistics
- Nature enhanced design
- Cable burial risk assessment
- Scour protection & rock dump design
- Soil-structure interaction
- Design of floating structures
- Design optimisations
- Owner’s Engineer & FEED
- Site characterization & lay-outing
- Coordination of large & complex projects
- Permitting, stakeholder involvement
- Interface management
- Risk assessment
- R&D, project scoping/proposal writing
- Interaction with Large-Scale Offshore Aquaculture
- Assistance in tender & in certification processes