Our Soul

Five verbs demonstrate how we function. Five verbs aspire to express our Soul.

To Listen.
We listen to the needs of our customers. To the talents of our own team of engineers, biologists, digital wizards, ....
But also to philosophers, historians, artists and the residents of the retirement home around the corner. We are all creative and innovative beings. We listen because we are convinced we can learn. Because we realize that dialogue transforms our own opinions into possibilities and opportunities. We listen because the frequency and energy with which words are spoken can shed a different light on themes.

To Experiment.
We dare to experiment. We must experiment. Set-backs are part of it. We are convinced that we are in a liminal space, between what worked in the past and what will work in the future. Experimentation gives us the chance go back to the source and take a different path from there. Experimentation requires us to question our way of working. Experimentation feeds our internal need to develop and grow. Experimenting leads to creative and ingenious solutions.

To Do.
We want to see tangible results from our efforts and learn from them. We want to go beyond paperwork, conferences, computers and studies and see regenerative projects realized with others. We challenge those who are part of our ecosystem to also think from a holistic perspective, focusing on potential, reciprocity, authenticity and interconnectedness. We want to challenge others to "do it together". We want to realize projects together with Nature. Through our work, we want to generate ripple effects that set others in motion towards a world where all life on earth flourishes.

To Give.
We are engineers, scientists, inventors,... but that by no means implies that we want to calculate everything in our relationships. Engineering Soul means that we are willing to give and share, even if it does not immediately translate into visible results for us. Experience teaches us that by giving, we automatically get more than we expected. Giving does not function without receiving. Giving and receiving feeds and inspires us to listen, watch, experiment and do even more. Giving and receiving allows us to experience our organization as part of a living system.

Listening, looking, experimenting, doing, and giving are the actions that make us unique. These verbs make us future-fit in an ever-changing world and ready for our journey. A journey that we hope will inspire and support others in their quest to become nature-inspired and regenerative organizations.