Narrative :
The RRP (Recovery and Resilience Plan) – Blue Bioeconomy Pact – Bivalves Vertical is a consortium led by Oceano Fresco, constituting one of the 7 sectors of the Blue Bioeconomy Pact. It aims to achieve regenerative aquaculture of bivalve using innovative approaches to cultivate high-value European species.
The overall project will invest in 7 sectors through: the application of biomaterials, development of new concepts for the production of shellfish, marine-based textiles, sustainability in the food sector, increase in the production of seaweed, solutions for circular feed and bioinformatics for the fisheries sector. Transversally, the project aims to contribute an acceleration of the development and commercialization of products and services of the sector by using the Portuguese Blue Biobanks network, a digital platform for valuing marine co-products, and promoting the growth and internationalization of companies and SMEs.
Thus, the planned investment aims to (i) Boost the development of a cutting-edge industrial economic sector, based on the application of marine bioresources to multiple industries; (ii) Be the first large sample of the transversal and ecological potential of marine biotechnology solutions; (iii) Contribute to positioning Portugal in the global context, as a pioneer in a sector that is estimated to reach €200 billion globally in 2030; (iv) Realize the great opportunity for growth and innovation in sea industries (aquaculture, fisheries, canning) and to differentiate traditional Portuguese industries that are now far from the sea (textiles, cork, fertilizers, human health).
Our touch :
- Assessment of Marine Ecosystem Services in the scope of shellfish aquaculture
- Conceptualization and design of the architecture of the Ecosystem Services Assessment Tool (ESA Tool)
- Development of operational standard practices and guidelines on ESA
- Conceptualization of design and inclusion of nature enhanced features (NEF)
- ESA Tool implementation in case study