Narrative :
This project is carried out in close collaboration with our partners SWECO, Rebel Group and Codecrea.
In this 4-year project, Haedes supports the Flemish Waterway to develop their strategic and roll-out of the strategy for the integrated water management for the Seine-Schelde project. This implies that we assist them in the identification of the relevant knowledge gaps and the set-up and implementation of the steps that are needed to fill these knowledge gaps.
Our touch :
- Digitalisation: the definition and roll-out of a “digital twin” of the Flemish navigable water system
- Numerical modelling: The assessment and coordination of the further development of the on-line hydraulic tools
- Climate change impact assessment: the assessment of climate change impacts (both for flooding and drought) on the activities, via statistical analysis.
- Nature based solutions: the assessment of the relevance and introduction of new concepts related to ecosystem services as an instrument to assess sustainability of future infrastructure project.