Editorial CCPB November 2021
Dear members and friends of the Belgian-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce,As I write this editorial, most of us are again locked at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are all,…
Dear members and friends of the Belgian-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce,As I write this editorial, most of us are again locked at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are all,…
In Aveiro (NW coast of Portugal), a coastal monitoring programme was carried out in sequence of a shoreface nourishment intervention (over than 2 M m3) performed in 2020. In this…
Deep-water spectral wave steepness (sm) is used in several ocean engineering activities to characterise sea states. However, difficulties in maintaining wave buoys offshore the continental shelf results in a lack…
Narrative :The MARCOS projects aims to investigate and analyse the potential of LSOA (i) as “stand-alone” in dedicated areas, (ii) integrated in future offshore zones taking into account the multi-use …
Narrative :This assignment concerns the content, organisational and process support for the platforms of the Co-ordination Commission for Integrated Water Policy (CIW) of the Flemish government. Since 2004, the Coördinatiecommissie…
Narrative :The aim of this consultancy was to assist the Client in assessing the applicability of gravel pads consisting of pre-cut rock as one of the possible mitigation measures to…
Narrative :The aim of this consultancy is to assist the Client in the coordination of the different tasks within the FEED study of an access channel deepening and maintenance project.…